Adult Tennis Leagues

Leagues at The Sarnia Riding Club are designed to be a combination of competitive and social play. Players of all ability levels are welcome, however, for everyone’s enjoyment it is suggested that beginner level players are able to rally, serve and keep score.

Junior players who are of high school age are welcome and encouraged to play in the leagues. The evening always ends with refreshments and social time on the patio or in the porch bar!

Ladies Monday Evening League

Spring League:
May 7 to June 25

Summer League:
July 2 to August 27

Fall League:
September 3 to October 1

7:00 pm

Cost is $40 regular & $20 spare for the Spring & Summer. Your league fee includes new balls for each game and wrap up event with refreshment and pizza.

Coordinator: Debra Heaton

Men’s Tuesday Evening League

Spring League:
May 8 to June 26

Summer League:
July 3 to August 28

Fall League:
September 4 to October 2

7:00 pm

Cost is $40 regular & $20 spare for the Spring & Summer. Your league fee includes new balls for each game and wrap up event with refreshment and pizza.

Coordinator: Harvey Wallace

Mixed Wednesday Evening League

Spring League:
May 9 to June 27

Summer League:
July 4 to August 29

Fall League:
September 5 to October 3

7:00 pm

Cost is $40 regular & $20 spare for the Spring & Summer. Your league fees include new balls for each game and wrap up event with refreshment and pizza.

Coordinator: Bob McLeod