We have two well-equipped squash courts with suspended hardwood floors that feature a glass viewing area above the courts for easy viewing. At the Riding Club we consider squash a social event, and have added tables and chairs for the comfort and viewing ability of our players and spectators. Our squash building is also equipped with men’s and women’s change rooms, showers and dry saunas.
Just a friendly reminder that we are now using Club Locker to book our courts. To reserve a time, please click the link below:
All squash members must be sure to sign their guests in. A $10+tax fee is charged for each guest, and they are welcome to try out our facility with a member. If you are enjoying your time here, we would ask that they come and see us for a membership! Thank you
Tuesdays from 7-8pm. Come out and try squash, open to both beginners and intermediate players. $90 for members / $120 for non-members – 6 weeks long.
Session 1: Adult Beginners Lessons
Session 2: Ladies Lessons
Session 3: TBA
Array of Junior lessons for beginners and intermediate players including designated game play days. New Sessions start every few months and run for 6 Weeks. Contact the Riding Club for more information, rec@sarniaridingclub.com | 519-542-5588 x2
Participants please access link below using password provided to you from convenors to see league schedule and contact information.